Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your use of our website. By using our website, you fully accept and agree to these terms. If you disagree with any part of these terms, you must refrain from using our website. If you register on our website, submit any material, or use our services, you expressly agree to abide by these terms.

Our website uses cookies, and by using it or agreeing to these terms, you consent to our use of cookies as outlined in our privacy and cookies policy.

Copyright Notice:

Copyright (c) 2021. Subject to these terms: (a) We, along with our licensors, own and control all the copyright and intellectual property rights on our website and its material. (b) All copyright and intellectual property rights on our website and its material are reserved.

License to Use Website:

You may:

  • View pages in a web browser.
  • Download pages for caching.
  • Print pages.
  • Stream audio and video files and use our services through a web browser.

You must not:

  • Edit or modify any material on our website.
  • Republish material from our website on another website.
  • Sell, rent, or sub-license material.
  • Show any material publicly.
  • Exploit material for commercial purposes.
  • Redistribute material.

Registration and Accounts:

To be eligible for an account, you must be in Australia. Register by completing the account form and verifying through the email link. Do not allow others to use your account and notify us immediately of any unauthorized use.

User Login Details:

Upon registration, you'll receive or choose a user ID and password. Your user ID must not mislead or impersonate anyone. Keep your password confidential and notify us of any disclosure. You are responsible for activities resulting from a failure to keep your password secure.

Cancellation and Suspension of Your Account:

We may suspend or cancel your account or edit details at our discretion without notice. You can cancel your account through the control panel.

Limitations and Exclusions of Liability:

We are not liable for any loss or damage. No liability for events beyond our control. No liability for business losses, data loss, or indirect or consequential damages. Our officers and employees are limited in personal liability.

Breaches of These Terms and Conditions:

If you breach these terms, we may issue warnings, suspend, prohibit, or block your access, contact your internet service providers, take legal action, or suspend/delete your account.


We may revise terms. Revised terms apply from the publication date. If you don't agree, stop using the website. Your express agreement is required for revisions.


We may assign rights and obligations. You may not without our written consent.


If a provision is unlawful, the other provisions remain. If part of a provision is unlawful, it will be deemed deleted, and the rest will continue.

Third Party Rights:

The contract benefits us and you, not enforceable by any third party. Exercise of rights is not subject to third-party consent.

Entire Agreement:

These terms, along with our privacy and cookies policy, constitute the entire agreement, superseding previous agreements.

Law and Jurisdiction:

These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with Australian Law.